The TVC (Thornapple Valley Church) Road Warriors Trip to Kalkaska, MI It was July 8, 2000 and Gary (Gold Wing) Newton had called for a road trip to Kalkaska to view an artists work in wooden mosaic tiles. The weather man had called for thunderstorms, but undaunted by the reports we decided to head for the great north. After Gary said a prayer for our safety and for God to hold back the rains, we of great faith ventured out on the road....BUT God had other plans for the TVC Road Warriors since he decided to "baptize" us for about 1 1/2 hours of the trip. A great time was had by all! Was the trip worth getting wet? AMEN! We gathered at TVC for the start of what turned out to be a 14 hour trip. and then the rains came! We stopped in Stanton for a quick brunch to wait out the rain. After brunch, everyone donned their rain gear to continue on the trip (better late than never I suppose) On the road again..(my Willie Nelson imitation) ...and finally we reach our destination in Kalkaska to view a rare art form that you'd have to see to appreciate but here are a few pictures. What you see is part of a 20 year project done by "Ed". No one seems to know his last name (even Ed). He has three panels to go and then he says he's "going fishing!" There has been a trust set up to build a small museum on the property to display the panels for all to see. It would definitely be worth a trip to see when it's complete. There is a whole story that goes with the each panel but only Ed could tell it. There are many symbols and meanings hidden in each one. He uses only 30/60 degree angled tiles and no stains. All colors are natural to the type of wood used and he has used wood from all over the world to get the various colors he needs for his work. The only stipulation Ed has for the trust is that if the panels are ever to be sold they are to be burned!